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Couverture de You're Not Broken

You're Not Broken

De : Christopher Michael Duncan
Lu par : Christopher Michael Duncan
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    You are not broken. If you don't believe this, you must listen to this audiobook.

    If you want to create a life you love, transform your reality, and easily manifest miracles, this book is for you.

    You don’t have to “fix” anything about yourself to do it. You don’t have to think a certain way, heal your past, clear your emotions, or embrace any specific belief system.

    It’s time to forget everything you know about the power of manifestation. Learn to connect to the hidden field of information where your intuition, inner “instructions,” and natural genius are stored, remembering the powerful creator you already are.

    Make changes at the highest level and transform your life like magic. A complete system in a simple eight-week plan, this is the first and last book you will ever need on manifestation, creation, or self-help. If you’re ready to live a Superconscious life, get started today.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2021 Christopher Michael Duncan (P)2024 Christopher Michael Duncan

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