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Couverture de You're No Stranger Here

You're No Stranger Here

De : Houshang Moradi Kermani
Lu par : Caroline Croskery
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    The old saying, “It takes a village to raise a child” rings true in this autobiographical novel. Houshang Moradi Kermani grew up in the village of Sirch to become Iran’s eminent author of fiction for children and young adults. These are the many true events of his life that became the inspiration for his books, several of which have been made into television serials and feature films.

    With a mother who died in his infancy and a father who suffers from a mental illness, young Hooshoo is raised by his grandmother, Nanehbaba, the village medicine woman and his grandfather, Aghbaba, the village headman, both with whom he has a very close relationship. After their passing, he is challenged at a very early age to cope with his circumstances.

    His love for reading and writing becomes his escape tool for survival from the pain he feels. He spends a blissful and nostalgic early youth with his grandparents in the village but must eventually move to the city in his adolescence to live in an orphanage school. His experiences in Kerman form his destiny, make him strong, and lead him to the place in life he knew he was meant to reach.

    ©2017 Caroline Croskery (P)2021 Caroline Croskery

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