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Couverture de You're It

You're It

De : Leonard J. Marcus, Eric J. McNulty, Joseph M. Henderson, Barry C. Dorn, David Gergen - foreword
Lu par : Kevin T. Collins
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    Become a better crisis leader while equipping yourself with the tools for every day transformative leadership.

    Today, in an instant, leaders can find themselves face-to-face with crisis. An active shooter. A media controversy. A data breach. In You're It, the faculty of the National Preparedness Leadership Initiative at Harvard University takes you to the front lines of some of the toughest decisions facing our nation's leaders - from how to mobilize during a hurricane or in the aftermath of a bombing to halting a raging pandemic. They also take listeners through the tough decision-making inside the world's largest companies, hottest startups, and leading nonprofits.

    The authors introduce listeners to the pragmatic model and methods of Meta-Leadership. They show you how to understand what is happening during a moment of crisis and change, what to do about it, and how to hone these skills to lead high-performing teams. Then, when crisis hits, you can pivot to be the leader people follow when it matters most.

    A book for turbulent times, You're It is essential listening for anyone preparing to lead an adaptive team through crisis and change.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2019 Leonard J. Marcus, Eric J. McNulty, Joseph M. Henderson, and Barry C. Dorn (P)2019 Hachette Audio


    "You're It is a comprehensive resource for individual and organizational preparedness leadership. As a Governor, I faced several disasters, natural and man-made, and came to realize, being prepared is not just having plans and designated resources, but it is building trust and working together for an organic, agile and effective response. This work shows us that pathway, meta-leadership, arming future generations with the tools, knowledge and the ability to reach beyond themselves when destiny says, 'You're it'." (Ernest "Ernie" Fletcher, former member, US House of Representatives, former governor, Kentucky)

    "You're It is an essential prep course for leaders and leaders-in-the-making who are at risk for ending up on the frontlines of a crisis. Whether used as an individual guide to personal and professional development or a comprehensive curriculum for risk management team planning, You're It fits the bill." (Julie Louise Gerberding, MD, MPH, executive vice president and chief patient officer, Strategic Communications, Global Public Policy, and Population Health; former director, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

    "Combining meticulously engaging theory with heart stopping anecdotes from the top crisis leaders of our times, You're It provides all of us with what to do, and what not to do, when it matters the most. This is a book that takes us beyond the clichés of leadership literature, and provides tools that will make us smarter, more self-aware, and better prepared to when we are tested." (Juliette Kayyem, former assistant secretary, Department of Homeland Security; faculty chair, Harvard's Kennedy School of Government Homeland Security Program)

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