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  • Your Pain Has a Name

  • A Therapist's Invitation to Understanding Your Story, Finding Healing, and Writing Your Next Chapter
  • De : Monica DiCristina
  • Durée : 7 h et 30 min

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Your Pain Has a Name

De : Monica DiCristina
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    Monica DiCristina suffered for years without words to describe the pain she was experiencing inside. Without knowing what was behind her anxiety, intrusive thoughts, and fears, she created other names for them: “not good enough,” “unworthy,” “messed up,” “wrong.” Through the slow process of coming to understand her own story and find the accurate names for her pain, she discovered a glorious path to healing, and also a calling to become a therapist and help others in the same way.

    Monica knows the power, and crucial importance, of accurately understanding our stories. She brings fifteen years of professional experience and her personal story to help listeners learn to identify the narratives and stumbling blocks that prevent them from becoming who they were designed to be. Monica also shares proven therapeutic strategies and insights to empower listeners to name, validate, and release what isn’t theirs to carry.

    Pain is an invitation to healing, and Monica wants to help you heal. In naming your hurts and hindrances, you gain the space, insight, and courage to become your fullest self—mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Your Pain Has a Name not only offers the insights of a practicing therapist, but creates an environment of self-compassion and loving curiosity of a therapist's office. It makes space for listeners to be with themselves and be with God on their own journey. In this unique combination of personal story, therapeutic knowledge, and practical application, you will discover how to let go of the narratives that have held you back so you can uncover authentic connection to yourself and others.

    ©2024 Monica DiCristina (P)2024 Worthy Books

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