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  • Your Journey to Success

  • How to Accept the Answers You Discover Along the Way
  • De : Kenny Weiss
  • Lu par : Kenny Weiss
  • Durée : 6 h et 22 min
  • 5,0 out of 5 stars (1 notation)

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Your Journey to Success

De : Kenny Weiss
Lu par : Kenny Weiss
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    This is an audiobook for the person who is hungry for an answer. I know that feeling. I was stuck in it for years, and as a coach and speaker, I have noticed there is a constant theme for us all. We know all of the success books, we have gone to the seminars, but when we go to execute their wonderful information, a feeling comes up. We lay in bed and just don't "feel" like doing what they suggest, even though we know it will make our life better. That "feeling" stops us from executing one or more steps they suggest we take to make our lives better.

    I couldn't overcome that feeling either. Here I was, an alcoholic, a sex addict, sugar addict, spending addict, tobacco addict, love addict, I had gone bankrupt, been through two horrific divorces, a child custody battle, I played two professional sports I never wanted to play, and I contemplated suicide.

    None of the books showed me or explained where that feeling comes from, why we all get it, and how to overcome it. Without that information, I couldn't execute all of their wonderful suggestions.

    So this is my story and how I took all of that great information from all of those great success teachers, collated it, and then added to it. I discuss where that feeling comes from, why we all get it, and how to overcome it. This audiobook bridges the gap. When you have this information, this skill set to overcome that "feeling", then you can put into place all of their incredible advice and have the personal and professional success we are all searching for.

    ©2018 Kenneth Owen Weiss (P)2018 Kenneth Owen Weiss

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