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Couverture de Your Human Design

Your Human Design

De : Shayna Cornelius, Dana Stiles
Lu par : Eileen Stevens
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    Find your unique energy type and harness it for success and fulfillment with Your Human Design.

    Wondering what your life purpose is? What you are here to do? How to work, play, and relate to others with maximum ease? It is all in your Human Design!

    Human Design is a revolutionary system for self-understanding comprising wisdom from Western astrology, the chakra system, I Ching, the Kabbalah tree of life, and facets of modern quantum mechanics, biochemistry, and astronomy. This incredibly powerful modality reveals with great specificity how each human being has different natural talents, a unique life purpose, and a specific mode of operating that aligns them to their true nature. It also provides you with practical strategies for navigating your unique life path with authenticity, ease, and success.

    Written by the creators of the popular DayLuna Human Design Podcast, this guide presents Human Design in an engaging and accessible way that enables you to use and live this life-changing system.

    What is your energetic design?

    • Are you a Manifestor? You are an extremely independent design. You are here to do what you want, when you want, because you want to!
    • Are you a Generator? You do best when you tune out the noise and respond to your gut instincts.
    • Are you a Manifesting Generator? You find you easily magnetize things when you respond to what excites you.
    • Are you a Projector? Forget hustle and grind. You are here to contribute your startling insights, not slog through a conventional 40-hour work week.
    • Are you a Reflector? You have a seemingly unlimited number of interests, feelings, and qualities. You are here to experience as much as possible.

    Tap into the highest version of yourself and live your Human Design!

    ©2022 Shayna Cornelius and Dana Stiles (P)2022 Fair Winds Press


    “I highly recommend this easy-to-follow guide to anyone beginning their Human Design journey! Shayna and Dana have a powerful ability to take this complex system and make it digestible, so you can immediately apply this wisdom to your life." (Sahara Rose, Host of the Highest Self podcast and bestselling author of Discover Your Dharma)

    “Your Human Design is a GPS to guide you to your highest potential. Shayna and Dana have written an accessible, step-by-step guide for anyone seeking to build a more authentic, aligned, and satisfying life!” (Terri Cole, Psychotherapist, and author of the bestselling book Boundary Boss)

    "Shayna and Dana have this unique ability to anchor you into your unique Human Design blueprint and connect you to your true essence. These two are my go-to for all things HD!" (Tim Morrison, Trauma Informed Master Coach, Breathwork Facilitator, and Host of the Tim Morrison Pod)

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