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  • Your Divine Emotions

  • The True Origin of Your Feelings and How They Have Been Trying to Guide You All Along
  • De : Austin Chase
  • Lu par : Austin Chase
  • Durée : 4 h et 31 min

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Your Divine Emotions

De : Austin Chase
Lu par : Austin Chase
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    In the beautiful Northern mountains of Guatemala, Chase brings us back to the inception of Your Divine Emotions. We learn about a mysterious bulleted list from his mission president, entitled "How to Know When You Have the Spirit". Starting with its first indicator, “You want to be with other people”, we learn how everyday feelings are more than we ever thought.

    Exploring this list and connecting it with well-beloved scriptures, Chase discovers how the Lord’s spirit works within many of our positive emotions as rewards. We also investigate how negative emotions are connected to the spirit of the adversary as signals. With the tools taught inside, we learn how to free ourselves from negative emotions and expand deep joys by focusing on their true origins.

    The message is one of realization, humility, accountability, power, and ultimately, peace and happiness. With a little bit of humor peppered through at just the wrong moments, Your Divine Emotions leads us through educational stories of awkward situations and heartfelt resolutions. Chase invites us to try our own experiment on his president’s bulleted list and see for ourselves if we can feel divinity in our daily emotions.

    ©2018 Austin Chase (P)2019 Austin Chase

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