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  • Your Dichotomy of Control: Learn to Control Your World for a Happy Anxiety-Free Life

  • Stoicism for a Better Life, Vol. 3
  • De : Anderson Silver
  • Lu par : Jason Zenobia
  • Durée : 3 h et 54 min

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Your Dichotomy of Control: Learn to Control Your World for a Happy Anxiety-Free Life

De : Anderson Silver
Lu par : Jason Zenobia
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    Life is so short, so control it with a sense of urgency. There is no room for passivity, as time is literally flying by. Every day we have an opportunity to do something, accomplish something, and train for something. Why waste it? 

    If you want to take control of your life, this is the book for you. Anderson Silver has compiled teachings from Stoicism and other schools of thought in the third volume called Your Dichotomy of Control to help you identify what it is you can control and how you can take absolute control over it. 

    A follow-up to the very successful Your User's Manual and Your Duality Within, Vol. 2, this is the last book in the three-book series of Stoicism for a Better Life. As Anderson often does in his works, this collection of thoughts gives the listeners much sought-after answers to some of life's most pressing questions. Meant to be light-listening that the listener can come back to and meditate on periodically, it also provides the tools for managing the dichotomy of control we all face (what it is we want to control versus what we can control) in the ultimate pursuit of an anxiety-free life.

    ©2020 Seren Dagdeviren (P)2020 Seren Dagdeviren

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