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Couverture de Your Captivating Love

Your Captivating Love

De : Layla Hagen
Lu par : Nelson Hobbs, Carly Robins
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    Logan Bennett knows his priorities. He's loyal to his family and his company. He has no time for love and no desire for it - not after a disastrous engagement left him brokenhearted. But when Nadine enters his life, she turns everything upside down. She's sexy, funny, and utterly captivating. She's also more stubborn than anyone he's met, including himself.

    Nadine Hawthorne is finally pursuing her dream: opening her own clothing shop. After working so hard to get here, she needs to concentrate on her new business and can't afford distractions - not even if they come in the form of Logan Bennett. He's handsome, charming, and doesn't take no for an answer.

    Their attraction is sizzling, their connection undeniable. Slowly Logan wins her over. What starts out as a fling soon spirals into much more than they are prepared for.

    When a mistake threatens to tear them apart, will they have the strength to hold on to each other?

    ©2016 Layla Hagen (P)2016 Tantor


    "This story is fun and addictive. It's got love and laughter. Hot sex. Family loyalty is at the forefront. Getting to know the Bennett family is a real joy" ( Mes Livres)

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