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Couverture de Your Business is U.G.L.Y.

Your Business is U.G.L.Y.

De : Dr. Karl Michel
Lu par : Mark Williams
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    Your Business is U.G.L.Y.–Unstructured, gauche, lax and young–is an insightful guidebook to the business world. It's a must-listen for entrepreneurs and business owners who want to stay ahead of the competition and keep their businesses fresh and profitable.

    This book provides an in-depth look at the pros and cons of U.G.L.Y. businesses and how they work–or don't work–in today's business climate. It offers valuable advice and strategies on how to manage an unstructured, gauche, lax, and young business and turn it into a success.

    Your Business is U.G.L.Y. will help listeners understand the pitfalls and benefits of running a business that doesn't conform to the traditional model. It provides tips and tricks on how to remain agile and adaptive in a world of ever-changing business trends.

    Whether you're starting a new business or looking for ways to make your current enterprise more successful, Your Business is U.G.L.Y. is the perfect resource for entrepreneurs who want to stay ahead of the competition and make their businesses shine.

    ©2023 Dr. Karl Michel (P)2023 Dr. Karl Michel

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