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Couverture de Young Gothic

Young Gothic

De : M.A. Bennett
Lu par : Angus Yellowlees, Cloud Quinn, Tristan Jones-Smith, Esme Lonsdale
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    Filled with deadly secrets and the monsters you thought only existed in your mind ...

    You've heard of Frankenstein's monster, you've heard of Dracula, but have you heard of the Villa Diodati? Eve, Griffin, Hal and Ren embark on a summer they'll never forget at the birthplace of all things Gothic.

    The summer is beset by mysterious happenings, as the monsters they create begin to clamber out of their minds. Events rise to a horrible climax when, on a dark and stormy night, one of the villa's guests is found dead and each of our foursome becomes a suspect in a gruesome murder.

    It was supposed to be the trip of a lifetime. But when the stuff of nightmares becomes their reality, will they make it out alive?

    Perfect for fans of Wednesday and Stranger Things.

    ©2024 M.A. Bennett (P)2024 Welbeck Publishing Group Limited


    'I had no idea what would happen next!' (Tess James-Mackey, author of You Wouldn't Catch Me Dead)

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