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  • Young, Autistic and ADHD

  • Moving into adulthood when you’re multiply-neurodivergent
  • De : Sarah Boon
  • Lu par : Katy Sobey
  • Durée : 6 h et 52 min

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Young, Autistic and ADHD

De : Sarah Boon
Lu par : Katy Sobey
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    Navigating life as a young autistic person with ADHD isn't always easy. Luckily, Sarah Boon is here to share her own experiences, helping you to explore how autism and ADHD overlap and identify the strategies that will make day-to-day life easier.

    With chapters focused on adulting, relationships and communication, emotional wellbeing, and mental health, navigating the workplace and more, this book offers practical, tried-and-tested guidance to help you understand your autism and ADHD and overcome some of the hurdles that adulthood may throw your way.

    Accessible and supportive, Young, Autistic and ADHD is the ultimate companion guide for autistic ADHDers, giving you all the advice, you need to celebrate your neurodivergent self.

    ©2024 Sarah Boon (P)2024 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

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