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  • You'll Laugh About This Someday

  • Devotions for Frazzled Moms
  • De : Melissa Howell
  • Lu par : Morgan King
  • Durée : 7 h et 49 min

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You'll Laugh About This Someday

De : Melissa Howell
Lu par : Morgan King
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    Life is often a blur for busy moms.

    Rushing kids to school, to the doctor, to the dinner table, to bed—only to repeat it again the next day. And the next.

    So what’s a mom to do?

    Mother of four Melissa Howell speaks to the mess of madness and mayhem that is life with littles, and says, :God calls me into his presence to be still. "Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10)". This is good news for those of us in mommyland, who find stillness and quiet hard commodities to come by, because it means that even if our surroundings are in chaos, our souls can be anchored deep in the stillness that comes from certainty in God’s power.

    You’ll Laugh About This Someday is filled with humor, life lessons, and deeply spiritual insights into the world of motherhood that will encourage and bless moms everywhere. It’s not your typical devotional book. But then again, there’s nothing typical about the adventure we call motherhood!

    ©2015 Pacific Press Publishing Association (P)2023 Pacific Press Publishing Association

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