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  • You Recharged

  • How to Beat Fatigue (Mostly), Amp Up Your Energy (Usually), and Enjoy Life Again (Always)
  • De : Polly Campbell
  • Lu par : Laura Jennings
  • Durée : 6 h

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You Recharged

De : Polly Campbell
Lu par : Laura Jennings
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    You Can Get Unstuck

    When author and podcaster Polly Campbell got tired of her hoodie smelling like pizza and her days being clouded by midlife over-exhaustion, emotional burnout, and boredom, she decided to get off the couch and reclaim her core energy. But could this burned-out, chronically ill, middle-aged mother of a teen rediscover her vitality? Yes. And so can you.

    Small steps, big energy. Self-help books for women often encourage you to throw out the life you’re living and create a fresh start. You, Recharged isn’t about that. You don’t have to quit your mundane job, cut out cocktails, or sign-off of social media to recharge. Instead, Polly Campbell’s inspirational book is about adding things in - good habits, practices, fun, people, activities, self-care strategies - that ignite your essential energy, the sustainable source that fires you up from within and keeps you going during the good and bad.

    Meaning ignites power. When we align with the things that matter to us and allow the “why” to guide us, we are energized. Sure, there are challenges, setbacks, and plenty of things that piss us off, but they don’t have to deplete us. They don’t have to leave us mentally exhausted or take our power. Instead, our energy can be refocused and redirected into things that we value. You, Recharged will help you discover the small but meaningful ways you can feel happier, healthier, and more alive. 

    In this personal development book, find:

    • Easy-to-apply, practical strategies to ease stress, boost energy, and improve health and well-being
    • Short chapters, delivered in a relatable, conversational tone, with plenty of humor
    • Hope and inspiration, so you know that you can also create a meaningful, satisfying life no matter how stuck, lost, bored, and physically exhausted you feel

    If you were inspired by motivational books and self-help books like Own Your EverydayHow to Stop Feeling Like Sh*t, or The Self-Love Experiment, then you’ll love You, Recharged.

    ©2021 Polly Campbell (P)2021 Vibrance Press

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