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Couverture de You Don't Cry out Loud

You Don't Cry out Loud

De : Lily Isaacs
Lu par : Lily Isaacs
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    A powerful, unforgettable account of Christ's grace, mercy, and His work in their lives!

    A talented daughter of Holocaust survivors, Lily Isaacs is a woman who has felt pain and loss, and found the incomparable joy of a life with Jesus Christ. As a new Christian believer, she became estranged from her Jewish parents because of her faith, yet she never walked alone, always clinging to the hope she found in Christ. Throughout her music and that of her children, who together form the beloved and multi-award winning group The Isaacs, you hear the resonating inspirational legacy of this family's faith journey.

    • An autobiographical look at Lily's life, from being a Jewish folk singer to serving as vocalist and matriarch of The Isaacs.
    • The powerful account of her struggle with a once-unknown faith and how she finally "cried her way to God from the church's back pew".
    • The incredible insights behind heartbreaking moments which were her greatest opportunities of faith.

    Whether surviving breast cancer or a challenging career, Lily's steady refrain has been one of God's constant love, comfort, and strength. With a remarkable and unforgettable mix of acoustic, gospel, and country music, she and The Isaacs continue to inspire and entertain audiences in churches and on stage around the world!

    ©2014 Lily Isaacs (P)2014 New Leaf Press Audio

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