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  • You Deserve Good Gelato

  • Reasons to Travel the World, Embrace Failure, and Do the Sh*t That Scares You
  • De : Kacie Rose
  • Lu par : Kacie Rose
  • Durée : 5 h et 20 min

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You Deserve Good Gelato

De : Kacie Rose
Lu par : Kacie Rose
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    In this funny and honest feel-good memoir, social media star Kacie Rose offers a refreshingly honest take on navigating a new life abroad.

    In 2021, Kacie decided to leave her life as a pro dancer in New York City and move to Italy – and she never looked back. Okay, that isn't strictly true… In You Deserve Good Gelato, Kacie reflects on everything from travel fails and homesickness to the joy of culture shocks and the power of doing the s*** that scares you. Because life is too short not to.

    In this joyful memoir, you will find:

    • Personal essays that tell Kacie’s story and empower you to challenge yourself
    • A candid outlook on life as an expat, covering everything from the terror of driving on Italian roads to the trials of speaking a new language and the genuine beauty of a slower pace of life
    • Inspirational quotes that encourage you to step out of your comfort zone

    By sharing her personal stories of life under the Tuscan sun, Kacie explains how travel is a privilege, why cultural differences are the coolest things in the world, and how there's a positive you can take away from literally any situation. You Deserve Good Gelato will have you taking the leap and embracing this big beautiful world that we call home.

    Kacie Rose is a travel content creator living in Florence, Italy. After a life-changing solo trip and her own little "under the Tuscan sun moment," she made the official move to Italy in January 2021. Through positivity, authenticity, and humour, she began sharing culture shocks, travel tips, and life abroad across her social media, where her following quickly grew to a community of over 1.5 million people.

    From explaining why you won't find "pepperoni pizza" and "lattes" in Italy, to sharing how to order a coffee, figure out the train system, and find authentic gelato, Kacie's goal is to encourage and help her community travel abroad by showing them the beauty of cultural differences, all the while reminding them that they are strong, deserving, and so much more capable than they think they are.

    ©2024 Kacie Rose (P)2024 DK Audio

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