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  • You Can Manage People

  • A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Successfully Manage a Variety of People in the Workplace
  • De : Rory Sullivan
  • Lu par : Stu Royce
  • Durée : 3 h

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You Can Manage People

De : Rory Sullivan
Lu par : Stu Royce
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    Discover the ultimate, field-tested guide to managing people effectively in any situation. 

    Success in your personal life and professional career, more often than not, depends entirely on your people management skills. 

    In this comprehensive, yet concise step-by-step guide, Rory Sullivan brings his vast and successful experience in management to bear and shows you exactly how to get your employees, colleagues and bosses to give their best to help successfully achieve proven results in your role as a manager. 

    Unlike other management books that focus on theory and "best practices", You Can Manage People is narrated by an author with skin in the game. Having managed people on projects worth millions of pounds over many years in high-stress situations, Sullivan has designed a guide that will equip you with all the tools you need to succeed as a manager. 

    Here's a snippet of what you're going to discover in this guide:

    • How to build your power team 
    • How to develop a charismatic presence that will make people want to work for you 
    • Six powerful hacks to become highly organized and prevent costly mistakes 
    • How to delegate tasks like a champion 
    • Building camaraderie in your team 
    • Adapting your management to various personality types and much more!

    Packed with actionable insight and practical tips, You Can Manage People is a guide that has something new for everyone regardless of your experience. Whether you're a rookie manager or an experienced veteran, you will find something here that will help you build an effective team that gets the job done. 

    Scroll up and click the button to buy now!

    ©2019 Slaney Global Limited (P)2019 Slaney Global Limited

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