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Couverture de You Can Live the Dream

You Can Live the Dream

De : Nick Nilson, Joel Osteen - foreword
Lu par : Nick Nilson, Joel Osteen
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    Start living the life of your dreams today with the help of this inspiring guidebook from the Associate Pastor at Lakewood Church as he shows how to stop delaying and start enjoying the life you have right now.

    Everyone has dreams. Usually, they look like a set of achievements: a dream house, a dream job, a dream family, a dream vacation… However, in pursuing them, we often become disgruntled and disheartened as challenges, setbacks, and opposition come our way. We get stuck focusing on what we don’t have and where we want to be.

    Nick Nilson, Associate Pastor at Lakewood Church, offers a different approach to overcome these challenges: a change of perspective. What if we stopped focusing on what we lack, and instead focused on what we do have, and the possibilities our life currently offers us? What would change if you truly believed that God was in the middle of your troubles, disappointment and heartache and actually working all things out for your good!? Imagine if your dream wasn’t a destination you chased, but a mindset you chose?

    You Can Live the Dream outlines how readers can harness the power of perspective in every aspect of their lives. Recognizing that you don’t have to wait to live the dream, you can live your dream now.

    ©2023 Nick Nilson and Joel Osteen (P)2023 Faith Words


    “In You Can Live the Dream, Nick shows us that you don’t have to wait for circumstances to change before you start living the abundant life Jesus offers us all. This book will stir your faith, inspire you to live your purpose, and show you how to walk by faith and not by sight. This is a message of hope we all need right now.”
    Christine Caine, Founder A21 & Propel Women
    “Nick Nilson's debut book is for anyone who is ready to see your potential from God’s perspective. In our struggle we always have a choice — to give up or to break through our limitations. If you've been feeling stuck, and are ready to move forward, You Can Live The Dream is a great place to start.”
    Steven Furtick, Lead Pastor of Elevation Church and New York Times best-selling author of Crash the Chatterbox, Greater, and (Un)Qualified.
    “If you’re ready to stop living in self-doubt and start living your dream right now, this book is for you! Nick shows us how a simple shift in perspective can change everything, and how you don’t have to wait for some day far in the future to live your dream life, that day can be today! And in this book, he shows you how!”
    Kamie Kern Lima, New York Times bestselling author, Believe IT & Founder, IT Cosmetics

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