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  • You Can Do It!

  • Speak Your Mind, America
  • De : Rob Schneider
  • Durée : 7 h et 30 min

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You Can Do It!

De : Rob Schneider
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    An unfiltered and hilarious commentary on the threats to free speech in America from the legendary comedian, actor, and Emmy-nominated SNL writer.

    Rob Schneider’s childhood in the San Francisco Bay area with parents of mixed-race backgrounds shaped his view of the world: that America affords the greatest opportunity for peoples from all nations and all faiths. But today, in this world gone mad, free speech is under attack. And Schneider keeps finding himself in controversy for questioning what woke ideology is doing to our great nation.

    Still, he refuses to be censored. In his debut book, Schneider will make you laugh out loud as he tells his unique story of a Hollywood-comedian-turned-vocal-advocate for open dialogue. He takes listeners along for a ride through his life in show business (where he’s starred in 27 movies with his friend Adam Sandler), shares stories from the glory days of Saturday Night Live, and makes a persuasive case for fearlessness in speech and pushing the boundaries in comedy. Comedians matter because they have a unique position in society to stand up against tyranny. In this book, Schneider shares never-before-told personal stories about Chris Farley, Norm Macdonald, Christopher Walken, Dana Carvey, and Martin Landau, and other comedy legends.

    You Can Do It! is part celeb memoir, part warning, and part siren call to action. It was said during the days of Covid the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth was about six months. Influenced by his own experiences in Hollywood, Schneider illustrates his points about free expression with provocative commentary on things you aren't suppose to question, like identity politics, Covid tyranny, "global boiling," medical freedoms and more. Schneider refuses to believe he’s dangerous for saying what he thinks. In fact, the opposite is true—it’s dangerous to not question the narrative. It’s dangerous to not exercise your free speech.

    That’s what Rob Schneider’s doing. And as this humorous, irreverent but insightful book shows listeners, you can do it too.

    ©2024 Rob Schneider (P)2024 Center Street

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