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Couverture de You Are a Wildlife Warrior!: Saving Animals & the Planet

You Are a Wildlife Warrior!: Saving Animals & the Planet

De : Bindi Irwin, Smriti Prasadam-Halls
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    World-renowned conservationist Bindi Irwin has a message for animal-loving kids: You can help protect the planet and all who call it home! Featuring exclusive Irwin family photos and animal fun facts.

    Calling all Wildlife Warriors! Step inside the Australia Zoo and see what nature has to offer. There are lemurs and rhinos, kangaroos, and—of course—crocodiles.

    On your tour, learn about these amazing animals and their habitats. Observe how they live and grow and all the ways we can protect them. Get inspired to take part in nurturing your own environment and all that inhabit it. Most important, discover the Wildlife Warrior within!

    From the daughter of Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter, comes an illustrated picture book encouraging listeners to walk on the wild side and uncover their inner conservationists.

    ©2025 Random House (P)2025 Listening Library
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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