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  • You Are Not Alone

  • The NAMI Guide to Navigating Mental Health―With Advice from Experts and Wisdom from Real People and Families
  • De : Ken Duckworth MD
  • Lu par : Ken Duckworth MD, Tim Fannon
  • Durée : 13 h et 59 min

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You Are Not Alone

De : Ken Duckworth MD
Lu par : Ken Duckworth MD, Tim Fannon
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    Written with authority and compassion, this is the essential resource for individuals and families seeking expert guidance on diagnosis, treatment, and recovery, featuring inspiring, true stories from real people in their own words.

    Millions of people in the United States are affected by mental illness every year. The COVID-19 pandemic not only caused new or aggravated symptoms in people, but further exposed the shortcomings of the American mental health system. Despite advances in telehealth, the healthcare industry remains chaotic, underfunded, and often inaccessible, and many people are asking themselves the same questions: What does it mean when different doctors give me different diagnoses? What if my insurance company won’t cover my treatment? Will I have to be on medication my whole life? Will I ever feel better? Too many of us are confused, afraid, and overwhelmed. Families and friends are often left in the dark about how best to help their loved ones, how to deal with financial and logistical issues, and how to handle the emotional challenges of loving someone who is suffering.

    You Are Not Alone is here to offer help. Written by Dr. Ken Duckworth with the expertise of a leading psychiatrist and the empathy of a peer, this comprehensive guide provides

    • Relatable first-person stories that illustrate the diversity of mental health journeys
    • Practical guidance on dealing with mental health conditions and navigating care
    • Research-based evidence on what treatments and approaches work
    • Insight and advice from renowned clinical experts and practitioners

    This singular resource—the first and only book fully supported by the National Alliance on Mental Illness—is a powerful reminder that help is here, and we are not alone.

    ©2022 Zando (P)2022 Zando

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