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  • Yes! You Will Understand Your Teen with ADHD

  • A Parent’s Journey to Find, Learn, and Develop Effective ADHD Tools to Help Her Teen Communicate and Thrive
  • De : Jaycee Donovan
  • Lu par : Kristi Leonard
  • Durée : 3 h et 33 min

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Yes! You Will Understand Your Teen with ADHD

De : Jaycee Donovan
Lu par : Kristi Leonard
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    Yes! You Can Understand Your Teen with ADHD is a powerful story of a mother’s journey to support her child’s struggle with late-onset ADHD, identify the complexities a teenager has to deal with when living with the disease, and find resolutions to the complexities.

    For any parent with a child with ADHD, the diagnosis (and even getting the diagnosis) is overwhelming and scary. And without knowledge and sometimes being caught off-guard by the condition, parents are left feeling underprepared for ADHD management. This self-help book, and the content within, helps parents and teens living with ADHD control the symptoms and make things less frightening. It is based upon a mother’s personal story and perspective, someone who feels she has learned a great deal from her experience, and that experience is worth sharing.

    What will you gain from this heart-felt, yet comprehensive, ADHD parenting book?

    • You are not the only parent going through this struggle and, in some cases, surprised by the diagnosis of late-onset teen ADHD .
    • The symptoms of ADHD in teens may present themselves differently for everyone, and situations are unique.
    • There are several outlets, resources, and ADHD tools that can help navigate the waters of living with ADHD.
    • There are coping mechanisms for both the parent and the teen in order to live a life that is not always frustrating and complex
    • There is hope for calm, acceptance, and successes in life.

    Questions Answered: How is my experience with my teen and ADHD like yours? What are the possible symptoms of ADHD and how can they present themselves in my teen? How can I get professional help and support? Where do I start? What are some suggestions for coping strategies for me and my child when dealing with this sometimes-unpredictable condition? Who do I speak to in the school environment to help my child, sometimes when this late diagnosis presents itself, having never been an issue in the school years prior?

    ©2023 Jennifer Pagano (P)2023 Jennifer Pagano

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