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Couverture de YOU and Your Own Universe

YOU and Your Own Universe

De : Silviu Pristavu
Lu par : Michael Johnson
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    What if you found out that you’re not who you believe you are?
    What if I told you that you’re not who your family thinks you are?
    What if you’re not the person that people around you see and hear?
    What if the human being is, in reality, the fusing element of two worlds – physical and spiritual?
    What if, in the human body, you can find both physical and spiritual, where the spiritual manifests physically?
    What if what we call the mind, as we know it, is actually the gate through which the two worlds meet, cross, and exchange information?

    What you are, as a spiritual being, can’t be described in any human language.
    What you are can’t be seen by any human eyes.
    What you say can’t be heard by any physical ears.

    You are the awareness in you--the consciousness. You are the love, the joy, and the happiness that bursts out of you. You are the creator of your body and the creator of Your Own Universe. You are limitless. You are wealth. You are health. You are all these things combined and more. You are something that can only be felt through your physical body, and you will feel you long before you finish listening to this book.

    This book is not religious! It doesn’t aim to favor one religion or discredit another. If anything, it’s a tool for any religion that’s been created from the beginning of humanity and helps explain phenomena that couldn’t have been explained otherwise. It supports science equally; however, it doesn’t just support theories that are based purely on physical evidence, though it may provide answers where these haven’t been found yet, if one is open to accepting a different point of view. It was written to serve as a manual for life, explaining how things become what they are and providing confidence and strength to teens getting ready to face the world on their own, and to adults who feel lost, without a purpose, and in need of guidance toward a happy life.

    ©2022 Silviu Pristavu (P)2022 Silviu Pristavu

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