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  • Wrongful Convictions and Forensic Science Errors

  • Case Studies and Root Causes
  • De : John Morgan
  • Lu par : Perry Daniels
  • Durée : 12 h et 28 min

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Wrongful Convictions and Forensic Science Errors

De : John Morgan
Lu par : Perry Daniels
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    Forensic Science Errors and Wrongful Convictions: Case Studies and Root Causes provides a rigorous and detailed examination of two key issues: the continuing problem of wrongful convictions and the role of forensic science in these miscarriages of justice.

    Forensic science errors may arise at any time from crime scene to courtroom. Probative evidence may be overlooked at the scene of a crime, or the chain of custody may be compromised. Police investigators may misuse or ignore forensic evidence. Prosecutors may suppress or mischaracterize evidence, and judges may admit testimony that does not conform to rules of evidence. All too often, the accused will not be afforded an adequate defense-especially given the technical complexities of forensic evidence.

    Author John Morgan provides a thorough discussion of the policy, practice, and technical aspects of forensic science errors from a root-cause, scientific analysis perspective. Listeners will learn to analyze common issues across cases and jurisdictions, perform basic root cause analysis, and develop systemic reforms. As such, the book reinforces the need to obtain a clear understanding of errors to properly develop a set of effective scientific, procedural, and policy reforms to reduce wrongful convictions and improve forensic integrity and reliability.

    ©2023 John Morgan (P)2024 Tantor

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