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Couverture de Writing Within Walls

Writing Within Walls

De : Arkbound Foundation
Lu par : Ash Caton
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    Prison. It is a word that conjures up loss, bleakness, and despair. A place where those who have broken the law are kept, both for punishment and for the safety of society. But behind these images are human stories, accounts of tragic mistakes, and broken lives, woven in-between with hope. For those inside prison, it is hope that often keeps them going: for the future, for those they care for, and for the chance to start afresh upon release. 

    This collection of 20 pieces by serving prisoners and people on probation explores the underside of the criminal justice system - the side that does not make it into tabloids or documentaries. We get a chance to see the stories, thoughts, and experiences of those condemned by the courts and, in many cases, by society, too. Importantly, we learn how many are repentant of the past, how some are in the midst of their own battles for justice, and how all cling onto hope. Through their accounts, we have a chance to reflect upon our own lives, perhaps even drawing inspiration from pathways we barely avoided. In the words of Kody M. in "A Beautiful Thing": "So whoever you are, no matter what trial and tribulations you are going though, don’t ever let go of hope."

    ©2021 Arkbound Foundation (P)2021 Arkbound Foundation

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