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  • Writing Strategies Set: 2 Books In 1

  • The Secrets of Outlining Your Novel + The Secrets to Creating Character Arcs, Expert Tools, Methods & Tactics for Producing Professional Fiction
  • De : John S Warner
  • Lu par : Angus Freathy
  • Durée : 7 h et 1 min

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Writing Strategies Set: 2 Books In 1

De : John S Warner
Lu par : Angus Freathy
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    Expert tools, methods, and tactics for producing professional fiction

    Two books In one: The Secrets to Outlining Your Novel and The Secrets to Creating Character Arcs

    Ever gone through something and said, “I could write a book about this!”? Well, with a good plan, you can! You might have an interest in creative writing or have started some rough drafts but can’t seem to take it to the next level. Wherever you are on your journey, education is crucial. But where to start?

    Just as every great meal starts with a recipe, every epic novel begins with an epic outline. Doesn’t an outline pour water on that spark of creativity? That’s what you may have heard…until now!

    In this book, here is just a fraction of what you will discover:

    • How novel outlines improve the direction of a story, make the writing process more manageable, and reduce those time-consuming writer’s blocks
    • The core elements of every novel outline and how to develop them so that they naturally entwine—rather than confuse the reader
    • Eleven methods that motivate you to type, write, sketch, and highlight
    • The unique technique Michael Crichton used to create a logical time line
    • How to organize your chapters without stressing about word count
    • Thirty questions to develop character profiles so that they grow with your plot

    Plus, In The Secrets to Creating Character Arcs, you will discover:

    • Ten simple tricks to add more excitement to your plot without veering away from your main story
    • How to take advantage of plot and structure to help develop your protagonist’s journey
    • The worst thing you can do for your character that will immediately make them unappealing and uninteresting
    • How to make your readers relate to–and root for–an unlikeable character
    • A fun yet insightful exercise in character building that can help you make sure all your characters have their own unique individual personalities
    • And much more

    Discover how you can take your stories to the next level.

    ©2022 John S Warner (P)2022 John S Warner

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