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  • Write a Screenplay Every 60 Days

  • From Concept to Production
  • De : C.H. Daniels
  • Lu par : C.H. Daniels
  • Durée : 2 h et 2 min

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Write a Screenplay Every 60 Days

De : C.H. Daniels
Lu par : C.H. Daniels
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    From concept to production, write a screenplay every 60 days! Guaranteed!

    Write a Screenplay Every 60 Days is your ultimate guide through the entire process - from concept to production. In this book, you will learn: 

    • Why screenwriting is more than just crafting words. It's a way of life! 
    • How to take a concept and craft it into a sellable screenplay in just 60 days, every single time! 
    • How to properly edit your own screenplay. People say it can't be done, but it can if you follow the instructions outlined in this book. 
    • The layout used by the experts to produce award-winning stories. 
    • Formatting mistakes that get so many screenplays tossed in the trash. More importantly, how to avoid these common mistakes. 
    • How to write the perfect query letter. I'll let you in on one of the biggest tips in the industry right now for free. 

    The foundation of a successful writing career is to actually write! Yet, 99 percent of those who have a story to tell will never take the time to actually sit down and write it. Imagine if you write a screenplay every 60 days. You will produce six well-polished screenplays every single year! Within five years, you will have written 30 screenplays. That's insane! What are you waiting for? Buy this book today, and unlock the secrets to writing an awesome script every 60 days.

    ©2015 Dwayne McMillan (P)2017 Dwayne McMillan

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