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  • Write Your Story

  • A Simple Framework to Understand Yourself, Your Story, and Your Purpose in the World
  • De : Allison Fallon
  • Lu par : Allison Fallon
  • Durée : 4 h et 25 min

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Write Your Story

De : Allison Fallon
Lu par : Allison Fallon
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    Allison Fallon's Write Your Story provides a simple framework that will help listeners capture, in writing, the depth of life events and, in turn, to make sense of their lives.

    Once you understand yourself and your life, you will live with more purpose and confidence.

    We've all spent seasons reacting to the world around us, as though the world were telling a story and we were simply the audience, bystanders watching it all happen. The result: a life of regret and a feeling that we missed our purpose.

    Author Allison Fallon has led thousands of people just like you to find greater meaning by helping them write their story. She's witnessed the phenomenon of a person stepping back, analyzing their life, and realizing what they're good at and what they are not, the types of people who hurt them and those who help, and the things that provide satisfaction and what leaves them empty. And in all this, they find their purpose. They find their story.

    When you know your story, you know who you are and why you matter. You understand the many ways you can help others, and you develop a resilience over pain that can make you unstoppable.

    Allison's simple formula will help you process your life and get your whole story down—in only five pages! This isn't a formula to teach you to write a book (although the exercises may lead to that), but it will help you understand yourself, your story, and your purpose.

    We will never know who we are until we know our story. And we will never know our story until we take time to write it down. So let's begin.

    ©2024 Allison Fallon (P)2024 Allison Fallon

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