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Couverture de Write Your Own Future

Write Your Own Future

De : C.R. Edwards
Lu par : Barry G. Bernson for HotGhost Productions
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    What do Schwarzenegger, Bezos, Musk, and Buffett all have in common? Routines! What makes them wildly successful, however, could spell disaster for you, so how can you craft the perfect success routines tailored for you?

    Write Your Own Future dives into this question by dissecting, simplifying, and presenting the best habits from classic success literature, world leaders in film, finance, and business, and the gurus of productivity. Like the elements on the periodic table, these habits provide the fundamental units for creating success routines that power you to greater heights and help you realize your dreams.

    Write Your Own Future offers a comprehensive guide to forming and employing these elemental habits in order to enable you to reach your highest potential. It will show you not only how to change your body, your brain, and your bank account, but also how to change your very soul and life. 

    In particular, the book promises to help you:

    • Understand the shockingly simple features that all habits have in common
    • Transform bad habits into good ones, while forming life-changing new habits
    • Learn the six most powerful habits upon which personal success is based
    • Discover the three most efficient physical routines for shaping your body
    • Adopt the four best practices that will bring about serenity and spiritual well-being
    • Improve your mental resilience and capacity for learning
    • Discover the tools you need to increase your productivity, maximize your freedom, and minimize stress
    • Create customized power routines to create your best self and the life you have always yearned for
    • Learn from specific examples how to create a daily routine that encourages personal growth and maximum productivity
    • Discover from some of the most influential and successful individuals and books how to implement these elemental habits into your life

    It is time to become the captain of your own life’s journey! Take the first step in building better success routines to change your life forever!

    Begin now, and scroll up to click the “buy now” button, or try it as part of an Audible membership.

    ©2020 Christopher Edwards (P)2020 Christopher Edwards

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