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Write It All Down

De : Cathy Rentzenbrink
Lu par : Cathy Rentzenbrink
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    Tackle the challenges of memoir writing and share your story.

    Why do we want to write and what stops us? How do we fight the worry that no-one will care what we have to say? What can we do to overcome the obstacles in our way?

    Sunday Times bestselling author Cathy Rentzenbrink shows you how to tackle all this and more in Write It All Down, a guide to putting your life on the page. Complete with a compendium of advice from amazing writers such as Dolly Alderton, Adam Kay and Candice Carty-Williams, this book is here to help you discover the pleasure and solace to be found in writing; the profound satisfaction of wrestling a story onto a page and seeing the events of your life transformed through the experience of writing a memoir.

    Perfect for seasoned writers as well as writing amateurs and everyone in between, this helpful handbook will steer you through the philosophical and practical challenges of writing, whether you're struggling with writers block or worrying what people will say. Intertwined with reflections and exercises, Write It All Down is at once an intimate conversation and an invitation to share your story.

    ©2022 Cathy Rentzenbrink (P)2022 Macmillan Publishers International Limited


    "Cathy is the person who first told me to write about my mental health when I was nervous to do so. She is a great writer herself and this is brilliant." (Matt Haig, best-selling author of Reasons to Stay Alive and The Midnight Library)

    "A gentle, wise and witty book that will take you by the hand and guide your words onto the page - I truly wish I'd read it before I began to write." (Raynor Winn, Sunday Times best-selling author of The Salt Path and The Wild Silence)

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