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Couverture de Write Before Coffee

Write Before Coffee

De : Carlene Hill Byron
Lu par : Donna Hailson
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    Do you have a story or message you MUST tell … but you don’t feel confident you know how to write a book? In this brief, practical guide, decades-experienced writer and editor Carlene Hill Byron gives you the pro tips you need to write your book successfully.

    You’ll learn writing and organizing tactics that will work for your specific learning style, instead of being presented a “one size fits all” approach that would constrain you. You’ll discover secrets to creativity that you can apply in your writing projects and in everything you do that requires imagination. You’ll learn a time-tested storytelling structure that will encourage others, even if your life with God has as many “downs” as “ups.”

    The book you write will be a bridge that connects your own life and ideas with the readers who need to know about them. You can introduce them to valuable innovations, give them inspiration by your story of resilience, encourage their compassion and empathy for people facing challenges. Telling your story effectively will help them discover a companion for their own spiritual journey. It will establish your own legacy in print for all time, leaving a heritage to those who follow.

    Writing your book in your own voice will give you a powerful tool to use everywhere you serve in personal and professional leadership: family, community, church, and business. The experiences you share will become supports to others making similar journeys. Writing a book is an act of service that lets others learn from the vision your experiences have grown in you.

    If it’s time to write your own book but you don’t know where to start, this book will give you more help in fewer words than you’ll find anywhere else!

    ©2024 Spirit Media (P)2024 Spirit Media

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