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  • Wrath - The Millennium: God's Wrath Is Now Complete and the 1,000-Year Reign Begins!

  • Wrath Trilogy, Book 3
  • De : D. R. Roquemore
  • Lu par : Jerry Sciarrio
  • Durée : 6 h et 14 min

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Wrath - The Millennium: God's Wrath Is Now Complete and the 1,000-Year Reign Begins!

De : D. R. Roquemore
Lu par : Jerry Sciarrio
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    During the Millennium, Jesus will restore the Earth to the perfection it had before Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden. All of the curses listed in Genesis Chapter Three will be removed. However, those who survive the Great Tribulation and are allowed to enter the Millennium will continue to sin. Wrath - The Millennium is the third and final book in the Wrath Trilogy. 

    Jackson and Anna have survived the Great Tribulation and now begin their new life together. This final book provides a fascinating look into what life will be like during the thousand-year reign of Christ. The story includes the great rebellion at the end of the Millennium, then concludes with The Judgement Seat of Christ, The Great White Throne Judgement, and eternity.

    ©2019 Books in Motion (P)2019 Books in Motion


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