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Couverture de Wormwood Mire

Wormwood Mire

De : Judith Rossell
Lu par : Fiona Hardingham
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    'you won't be disappointed. Wormwood Mire is another page-turner.'

    -- Kids' Book Review

    When Stella Montgomery returned to the Hotel Majestic cold and wet but exhilarated by adventure, the Aunts were furious.

    Now they are sending Stella away to the old family home at Wormwood Mire, where she must live with two strange cousins and their governess.

    But within the overgrown grounds of the mouldering house, dark secrets slither and skulk, and soon Stella must be brave once more if she's to find out who -- or what -- she really is ...

    From bestselling writer-illustrator Judith Rossell comes the thrilling and magical sequel to her multi-award-winning novel, Withering-by-Sea.


    Withering-by-Sea (Book 1)

    Winner -- 2015 Indie Awards, Book of the Year: Children's & YA

    Winner -- 2015 Australian Book Industry Awards, Book of the Year: Older Children

    Winner -- 2015 Davitt Awards

    Honour Book -- 2015 Children's Book Council of Australia Awards

    Shortlisted -- 2015 Prime Minister's Literary Awards

    Shortlisted -- 2014 Aurealis Awards

    Shortlisted -- 2017 Australian Book Design Awards

    Wormwood Mire (Book 2)

    Winner -- 2017 Davitt Awards

    Shortlisted -- 2017 Indie Awards, Book of the Year: Children's & YA

    Shortlisted -- 2017 Australian Book Industry Awards, Book of the Year: Older Children

    Shortlisted -- 2017 ABA Booksellers' Choice Award

    Shortlisted -- 2017 Australian Book Design Awards

    Notable Book -- 2017 Children's Book Council of Australia Awards

    ©2017 Judith Rossell (P)2022 HarperCollins Publishers


    Winner—2017 Davitt Awards

    Shortlisted—2017 Indie Awards, Book of the Year: Children's & YA

    Shortlisted—2017 Australian Book Industry Awards, Book of the Year: Older Children

    Shortlisted—2017 ABA Booksellers' Choice Award

    Shortlisted—2017 Australian Book Design Awards

    Notable Book—2017 Children's Book Council of Australia Awards

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de Wormwood Mire

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