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Couverture de Worlds of the Fae

Worlds of the Fae

De : M. Lynn, Melissa A. Craven
Lu par : Olivia King
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    A fae on a mission to protect his people.

    A human girl on the brink of death.

    With a sentient tail and cat-like eyes, Gulliver O'Shea has always been different, and everyone can see it. Except for his best friend, the queen of Iskalt. She treats him like he matters. So, when she says jump, he flies. And when she asks him to travel through a portal to a strange human city and gather information on a dangerous group attacking fae, he reluctantly realizes he has no choice.

    He just didn't expect he would have to bring along a sullen Toby—lost after the death of his intended—or that New Orleans would be so much more frightening than the small human farm he was used to visiting.

    Gulliver's obsession with everything human brings him face to face with a girl unlike any he's ever met before. Sophie-Ann Devereaux. She's kind and clumsy and sick. So sick he knows her frail human body won't last much longer.

    The closer he gets to the humans behind the fae attacks, the more he realizes what he's done. He's failed Tia. Lost his mission. Become as useless as he always feared he was. Because the waitress, the one fading from this world, isn't just a random human girl. Her father is the man Gullie was sent to find. Together with his second in command, they intend to erase the fae from their world. And they'll resort to any means necessary to see it done.

    From an accidental carjacking to an unhealthy obsession with beignets and cute human girls with blue hair, Gulliver embarks on an adventure of a lifetime in Fae's Envoy.

    This set is books 10-12 in the Queens of the Fae series. It begins a new trilogy, a new story, and can be listened to on it's own.

    ©2024 Twin Rivers Press (P)2024 Twin Rivers Press

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