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  • Working with Humans

  • Tools You Didn't Know You Needed for Conversations You Never Expected to Have
  • De : Laura Crandall
  • Lu par : Laura Crandall
  • Durée : 4 h et 26 min

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Working with Humans

De : Laura Crandall
Lu par : Laura Crandall
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    Working With Humans explores and illuminates the essential—but generally ignored—management and communication tools needed to end the daily annoyances that make work harder than it needs to be.

    Drawing from her three decades of workplace expertise, Laura Crandall guides you through:

    • Building confidence in how you manage a team and manage yourself.

    • Navigating tricky conversations and improving your organizational culture.

    • Learning to communicate well and lead with the quality that most workplaces are lacking: humanity.

    With clarity, practicality, and humor, Working With Humans inspires you to change patterns that cause frustration in the workplace and have a great time in the process.

    ©2023 Laura Crandall (P)2023 Banquet Publishing


    "Since we all work with humans it's important to humanize our workplaces, and this book shows you how."—RICHARD SCHWARTZ, PhD, bestselling author of No Bad Parts and developer of the Internal Family Systems Model

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