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  • Words from the Hill

  • An Invitation to the Unexpected
  • De : Stu Garrard
  • Lu par : Stu Garrard
  • Durée : 5 h et 41 min

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Couverture de Words from the Hill

Words from the Hill

De : Stu Garrard
Lu par : Stu Garrard
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    God is on your side.

    Too often we think of the Beatitudes as an instruction manual for living a good life, or some kind of spiritual ladder to climb. But in these announcements, our teacher is saying so much more. He is speaking personally and profoundly to the deep ache we all face when life gets broken and doesn't work out as we think it should.

    Join Stu Garrard on an adventure to discover the surprising meaning of these words. Along the way, you'll meet peacemakers on the front lines of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the 21st-century meek in our own communities, and people living lives worthy of persecution.

    After all, these words from the hill are speaking still. Inside the ache, the lack, and the "not-yet-ness" of life, we are invited to listen afresh, to lift our heads, and to share the surprising, upside-down announcement that God is on our side.

    ©2017 NavPress (P)2017 Oasis Audio

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