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Couverture de Wood You Marry Me?

Wood You Marry Me?

De : Daphne Elliot
Lu par : Lucy Rivers, Stephen Borne
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    What happens when you accidentally throw a blueberry pie in your brother's best friend's face? You marry him a week later for health insurance, of course.

    Dreamy lumberjack Remy Gagnon is not just my brother's best friend; he's my new husband—thanks to my pesky gallbladder.

    One year. That's our deal. I need surgery and I need to finish my PhD, and Remy's training to become a a professional timbersport athlete. We're both focused on our goals, leaving no time for feelings.

    Easy as pie, right?

    Not exactly. Because he shows up on our fake wedding day with my favorite flowers, builds me bookcases, and calls me his wife every chance he gets.

    So when I enter us in a wife-carrying contest to beat his cheating ex, all bets are off. Running through the woods with my legs wrapped around his muscular body has me thinking this marriage of convenience is anything but.

    But what happens when our year is up? Could I ask Wood You Marry Me? for real?

    Wood You Marry Me is a full-length, standalone lumberjack romance featuring a protective lumberjack, a sassy academic, and lots of wood chopping, tree climbing, and wife-carrying. If you enjoy small-town shenanigans, possessive heroes, flirty banter, and red-hot spicy times, this is the book for you.

    Welcome to Lovewell, Maine, where the moose outnumber the people and you can't swing an axe without hitting a grumpy lumberjack. Each book in the series is a standalone, however they are most fun when listened to in order.

    ©2024 Daphne Elliot (P)2024 Podium Audio

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