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  • Wonderfully Wired Brains

  • An Introduction to the World of Neurodiversity
  • De : Louise Gooding
  • Lu par : Louise Gooding
  • Durée : 1 h et 35 min

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Wonderfully Wired Brains

De : Louise Gooding
Lu par : Louise Gooding
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    Our brains are unique in the way they function, work, and think. Neurodiversity is still a relatively 'new' concept that can be tricky to understand, but this audiobook is here to help! This inspirational audiobook written and narrated by neurodiverse author Louise Gooding challenges misconceptions and shows how neurodivergent brains work a little differently.

    It is common for neurodiverse people and those with neurological differences to feel as though they don't fit in, but their extraordinary differences should be embraced. Wonderfully Wired Brains teaches children all about the awesome abilities that neurodiverse individuals have, introduces them to advocates who are challenging neurodiversity stereotypes, and most importantly gives them a safe space to feel accepted.

    This informative and educational audiobook for children features:

    - Accurate, understandable explanations of diagnoses that impact the brain, including each area of neurodiversity and what it can or does mean for anyone with that particular neurological difference.
    - A positive, friendly look at neurodiverse brains that debunks myths and stereotypes.
    - Informative, inclusive text

    Combining neurodiverse experiences with science, history, and brain-bursting facts, Wonderfully Wired Brains has something for everyone!

    Whether your child is neurodiverse or not, this audiobook will inspire inquisitive young listeners and show them that no two brains function in the same way and that everyone's differences should be celebrated. There really is no other audiobook like it.

    About the author: Louise Gooding has a keen interest in sharing stories that feature characters that stand out, are different and who have something to say. Inspired by stories from her own experiences and within her family, she took up writing to find a way of discussing neurological and physical diversity, and how to explore other sensitive issues within children’s books. Louise is a member of SCBWI, an Inclusive Minds ambassador and leads The Writers and Illustrators of Zurich. In her spare time Louise enjoys reading, painting, photography, spending time with her family and her work as a Book Fairy.

    ©2023 Louise Gooding (P)2024 DK Audio
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    'This vibrant book is written by neurodivergent author and neurodiversity champion Louise Gooding. It is an excellent tool to help children understand both themselves and their peers. The language is clear and positive, complemented by colourful illustrations to show how no two brains are the same and that all brains should be celebrated. It's full of facts and figures as well as brief biographies of some well known neurodiverse personalities. It covers all different aspects of neurodiversity from dyslexia to ADHD. There are some self help pages on brain care and next steps as well as a very useful glossary to help decode some of the complex vocabulary. As ever with DK, it is a great book which is incredibly helpful for both home and school.' (Tash Hyde)

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