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Couverture de Wonder Tales from Around the World

Wonder Tales from Around the World

De : Heather Forest
Lu par : Heather Forest
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    Avis de l'équipe

    The inimitable Heather Forest, who has been telling stories in her unique minstrel style for over 30 years, performs this collection of multicultural folktales. She is a joy to listen to, for not only does she recount her narratives with every professional skill in her arsenal, she also provides musical accompaniment like a modern troubadour.

    Forest holds a master's degree in Storytelling and received the 1997 Circle of Excellence Award from the National Storytelling Association. In addition, Forest has recorded eight albums. Martha's Vineyard Times once wrote that "even the narrative parts of [Forest's] storytelling seem to be sung”. It's no surprise that this mesmerizing collection won the Storytelling World Anthology Award for 1996.


    Some folk stories endure generation after generation because, although they are not literal, they resound in truths on a human scale. Folktales remind us of wisdom so elemental it is often lost in the rush of everyday life, so that "sometimes common sense makes no sense at all." The six wonder tales on this audiobook are gems of the genre. They have a "long ago and far away" quality. The listener is invited to suspend the logic of ordinary reality and leap into an imaginative world where impossible events can occur.

    A two-time Parents' Choice Gold Award winner, Heather Forest is known nationally for her minstrel-style storytelling which interweaves prose, poetry, and original vocal and instrumental music. The stories she performs in this audio collection are selected from her book Wonder Tales from Around the World.

    For Ages Eight to Adult

    ©1995 Heather Forest
    • Version abrégée Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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