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Couverture de Women Without Kids

Women Without Kids

De : Ruby Warrington
Lu par : Ruby Warrington
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    What is "woman" if not "mother"?
    Anything she wants to be.

    Foregoing motherhood has traditionally marked a woman as "other." With no official place setting for her in our society, she has hovered on the sidelines: the quirky girl, the neurotic career obsessive, the "eccentric" aunt. Instead of continuing to paint women without kids as sad, self-obsessed, or somehow dysfunctional, what if we saw them as boldly forging a new vision for a fully autonomous womankind? Or as journalist and thought leader Ruby Warrington asks, what if being a woman without kids were in fact its own kind of legacy?

    Taking in themes from intergenerational healing to feminism to environmentalism, this personal look and anthropological dig into a stubbornly taboo topic is a timely and brave reframing of what it means not to be a mum. Whether we are childless by design or circumstance, we can live without regret, shame, or compromise.

    Bold and tenderhearted, Women Without Kids seeks first and foremost to help validate a path that is the natural consequence of women having more say about the choices we make and how our lives play out. Within this, it unites the unsung sisterhood of non-mothers as a vital part of our evolution and collective healing as women, as humans, and as a global family.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2023 Ruby Warrington (P)2023 Orion Publishing Group Limited

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