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  • Women Who Wear Only Themselves

  • Four Travelers on Their Sacred Journeys
  • De : Arundhathi Subramaniam
  • Durée : 12 h

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Women Who Wear Only Themselves

De : Arundhathi Subramaniam
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    In this inspiring book of divine discovery, poet and seeker Arundhathi Subramaniam gives us a glimpse into the lives of four self-contained, unapologetic female spiritual travelers.

    “among the finest pieces of spiritual truth-telling literature I have ever read…a book to savor and celebrate”—Mirabai Starr, author of Wild Mercy and Ordinary Mysticism

    “As the pages turn one feels a growing sense of shared humanity, even kinship with these extraordinary practitioners of the sacred”—Tim Parks, author of Teach Us to Sit Still: A Skeptic’s Search for Health and Healing

    In life, spiritual paths are often as unique as we are. Bringing together the voices of four women mystics walking very different spiritual paths, poet Arundhathi Subramaniam reveals the expansive potential of forging an intimate, personal connection with the divine. We'll meet these four travelers:

    • Sri Annapurani Amma, who left the safety of home to follow the summons of a long-dead saint and chooses to live naked,
    • Balarishi Vishwashirasini, a nada yoga teacher who became a guru as a child and admits she's missed out on a real childhood,
    • Maa Karpoori, who needed to resist pressure to marry, and found her calling in a local yoga class and now radiates fierce independence and the contagious joy of living, and
    • Lata Mani, who discovered tantra after a major accident left her with a brain injury and today talks of how the spiritual life is deeply anchored in the wisdom of the body—not unlike the redwood trees of her adopted home.

    Sensitive, insightful, and lyrical, Women Who Wear Only Themselves bathes us in divine love and invites us to connect with all that sparks our spiritual fire.

    ©2021 Arundhathi Subramaniam (P)2025 HarperCollins Publishers

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