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Couverture de Women Who Followed Jesus

Women Who Followed Jesus

De : Dandi Mackall
Lu par : Rachel McKendree
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    "Powerful daily encouragement that will enhance your walk with God." — Jerry B. Jenkins, writer of the Left Behind series and The Chosen novels

    Look with fresh eyes toward the Bible stories you have heard all your life. Contemplate, ponder, and glory at Jesus' final days on earth, his heart-wrenching death, and marvelous resurrection alongside relatable women, chosen by God to play extraordinary roles through Lent, Easter, Pentecost, and beyond!

    Women Who Followed Jesus honors ordinary women who were integral to declaring Christ as Messiah, serving as early church believers, and announcing Jesus as the fulfillment of Scripture. From Lent to Easter to Pentecost and beyond, these forty fresh and thought-provoking Bible-based devotions draw listeners closer to the risen Savior while reminding individuals that God has a purpose for each of our lives. The struggles and joys of these women connect with everyday readers on topics such as patience, hope, faith, trust, persistence, sacrifice, grace, and love, addressing women's needs that cross generations and centuries.

    The story of Jesus unfolds through the voices of Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna, Salome, Mary and Martha of Bethany, the Samaritan woman at the well, and others, in forty devotions:

    Each reading begins with a passage of Scripture.

    Grounded in the biblical account, listeners are challenged to imagine each woman's journey toward living with a risen Jesus.

    Poignant questions invite daily meditation and personal reflection at the end of each day's reading.

    This biblical and research-based journey of the miraculous life, death, and resurrection of Jesus encourages listeners to worship, grow, and submit to God's plans, offering hope to women no matter what stage of life they're in. The involvement of women in the work of Christ should be as commonly known as the story of his twelve disciples. Women Who Followed Jesus recognizes and honors the ordinary women God chose for his extraordinary purpose. Each of the daily entries offers greater appreciation of these important female voices.

    This spring, contemplate, ponder, and learn by using this as your Bible study and listen as women of the Bible glorify God's Divine Son, Jesus the Risen King.

    ECPA Easter Bestseller 2024

    ©Dandi Mackall (P)2024 Paraclete Press

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