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  • Women Are Angry

  • Why Your Rage is Hiding and How to Let it Out
  • De : Jennifer Cox
  • Lu par : Jennifer Cox
  • Durée : 7 h et 42 min

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Women Are Angry

De : Jennifer Cox
Lu par : Jennifer Cox
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    'Jennifer's intelligence, compassion and experience as a psychotherapist make this a game-changer and a must-read for women and the men who love us.' Shaparak Khorsandi

    'A revelation and resource for not just women, but everyone.' Soraya Chemaly, author of Rage Becomes Her and The Resilience Myth

    What if you aren't depressed?
    What if you don't have chronic fatigue?
    What if you are just... angry?

    In a world where patience is a virtue and being a good girl is for life, women are never allowed to truly express their anger - and it is making us ill. After a lifetime of being told to repress it, to hide it away and fear it, anger has begun to manifest in female bodies in myriad ways we can't control. And the results are alarming.

    In this powerful and eye-opening book, psychotherapist Jennifer Cox takes us on a journey from cradle to grave revealing how, at every stage of our lives, women are conditioned not to speak out or 'make a fuss'. Jennifer draws on her wealth of therapeutic experience to show us how to tune in to our feelings of frustration and offers us the tools to express what we have subdued for so long.

    Women are Angry will show you where your rage is hiding - and how to let it out.
    ©2024 Jennifer Cox (P)2024 Bonnier Books UK

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