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  • Woman, Reposition Yourself

  • Reveal Your Design and Don't Let Anything Steal Your Essence
  • De : Yesenia Then
  • Lu par : Brianna Roberts
  • Durée : 4 h

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Woman, Reposition Yourself

De : Yesenia Then
Lu par : Brianna Roberts
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    The book you have at hand, more than just writing, is an activation and empowerment tool that we all should read, especially women who are not willing to let anything that has happened to them prevent them from being what God has determined.

    In Woman, Reposition Yourself, Pastor Yesenia Then, in a biblical way and with a fresh, simple and peculiar style, summons us to reposition ourselves. Using as an example the lives of great women like Eva, Lea, Ruth, the Samaritan woman, among others, and concluding with an in-depth presentation in defense of the Women's Ministry, she brings revelation and understanding about this highly controversial issue to life. Therefore, do not stop making the most of this tremendous written work that God has used Pastor Yesenia to bring us. The day is today, and the call is now. Woman, Reposition Yourself, reveals your design; don't let anything steal your essence.

    ©2023 Yesenia Then (P)2023 Yesenia Then

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