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Couverture de Wolf's Woman

Wolf's Woman

De : Lisa Kessler
Lu par : Charlie Kevin, Suzanne T. T. Fortin
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    Wyatt Rivers has always had a big heart when it comes to his pack, but love is a little more complicated for a werewolf. Now that his new Alpha has found his one true mate, he’s pushing the rest of the pack to do the same. Wyatt has touched plenty of women skin to skin over the years, and his wolf has remained silent. He didn’t expect that to change the night he visited the Grand club in Boston and hooked up with a leggy redhead.

    Ashleigh Merrit has a secret that forced her to give up on relationships, but she can’t bring herself to swear off men completely. A one night stand with a tall sexy man in a club couldn’t hurt. No strings attached. She didn’t even tell him her real name. But when this third grade teacher from Salem brings her class on a field trip to the Munro Manor Farms, she comes face to face with the hot guy who rocked her world.

    After kicking himself for allowing his mate to slip through his fingers, fate delivers her right to his doorstep, but someone is killing werewolves in the Salem Pack, and Wyatt will do anything to keep his mate safe, even if it means rejecting the only woman he will ever love.

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