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Couverture de Wolf Gift

Wolf Gift

De : TJ Nichols
Lu par : Casey McLeod
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    Mitchell Wright expected to die when he was captured by hunters. When they chained him and left him in the bush, he hoped to die fast. Instead, his fated mate showed up and saved him. Now he has to deal with his injuries for the rest of his life and he’s a familiar to a witch he doesn’t even know.

    Coven Agent Penrith Flint thought he was saving the wolf shifter's life, not finding himself a familiar. Because of how it happened—the wolf didn’t consent to becoming his familiar—he’s desk bound with his job on the line, while praying to the Fates to let the bond fade.

    After four months it hasn’t.

    When Mitchell turns up just before Christmas to see him, Penrith needs to decide if he’s willing to let the wolf into his life and risk his heart one more time. While neither of them wanted a fated mate, it is the gift they both need.

    One wounded wolf shifter and a slightly bitter blood witch come together to discover that while love may not heal wounds, it makes them easier to bear and that finding Mitchell a pack is the family they both need.

    ©2023 TJ Nichols (P)2024 TJ Nichols

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