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Couverture de Wolf Claimed: Wolf Shifter Fantasy Romance

Wolf Claimed: Wolf Shifter Fantasy Romance

De : Kaylin Peyerk
Lu par : Abbey Turner
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    I never envisioned my life ending in happily ever after...

    From an early age, I had gotten to know the three princes of The Isle. Jax, Dane, and Talon are known for their cruelty to others, having an air of confidence, and, of course, never claiming responsibility for any of it. We've fought viciously for our entire lives, becoming dependent on it, almost in love with the feeling of hitting each other exactly where it hurts. One cutting glance from them sends shivers down my spine, both of thrill and fear.

    At no time did I assume it would lead to them choosing me as their wife.

    It complicates further when the queen’s brother - the next king of Gildaria - arrives for their yearly summit. Meeting him reveals not only bone-rattling secrets but also the truth beneath my discontentment. I never wanted to mate with the princes of The Isle, but I do want to get closer to the ever aloof, ever charming, crown prince of The North. He unveils a world of possibilities in a single night, sparks desire with a simple touch, and fills my chest with a warmth I've never known.

    Little did I know, those feelings would be a catalyst for something much grander than me.

    Author note: This is the updated version of Wolf Claimed. The story has been revised based on feedback. I hope you enjoy it!

    ©2021 Kaylin Peyerk (P)2022 Kaylin Peyerk
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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