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Couverture de Wohali Young Warrior

Wohali Young Warrior

De : Dee Nighthawk
Lu par : Ellie Moon
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    Wohali is the story of a seven year old Cherokee boy living in the 1600s. He's going to show you what it was like to be an Indian in the 17th century. Wohali lives with his family in the Smokey Mountains in what is now North Carolina. He's going to show the listener his life and what he thinks about the world around them. He will explain to you about their clans and the village he lives in, and why they were so successful surviving in the mountains.

    The Wohali Book Series will follow Wohali and his family and friends, as he grows into the warrior he is destined to become.

    ©2022 Dee Nighthawk (P)2022 Dee Nighthawk

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