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Couverture de Without a Hitch

Without a Hitch

De : Mary Hollis Huddleston, Asher Fogle Paul
Lu par : Brittany Pressley
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    Sweet Home Alabama meets Emily in Paris in this hilarious romp through the world of extravagant southern weddings.

    Ringless, jobless, and hopeless, Lottie Jones commits to doing the only thing she truly studied in school: wedding planning.

    When floundering and unlucky-in-love twenty-something Lottie Jones lands a new career as a wedding planner at a top-tier boutique event firm, she begins navigating a cutthroat workplace specializing in over-the-top details, unlimited budgets, and a broad spectrum of taste. Whether planning for parachute landings or wrangling intoxicated groomsmen, she has her hands full at every million-dollar wedding she helps organize.

    After her boss announces he's opening a new office, Lottie sees her chance to finally carve out her place, and earn an income that justifies her dating app subscription fees. The weddings get bigger, the clients get wilder, the mishaps get funnier, and the stakes get higher. And Lottie's forced to discover what she'll risk for love and how far she'll go to find herself.

    Set against the glamorous, ruthless world of high-end Southern weddings and inspired by real events in the authors' lives, Without a Hitch is a hilarious romp about taking ownership, facing fears, planning your ex-boyfriend's wedding, and choosing a happy ending that wasn't what you once expected.

    "A sweet, Southern confection of a book about what it takes to orchestrate everyone else's happily ever after when your own heart has been broken. This sneak peek into the world of high-end wedding planning will keep you laughing as Lottie deconstructs the fairy tale and finds her authentic self."—Jodi Picoult, New York Times bestselling author of Wish You Were Here

    ©2021 Mary Hollis Huddleston (P)2021 Thomas Nelson

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