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Couverture de Withered


De : A.G.A. Wilmot
Lu par : Hayden Bishop
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    A queer paranormal horror novel in the style of showrunner Mike Flannagan, showing the complex real-life terror inherent in grief and mental illness

    After the tragic death of their father and surviving a life-threatening eating disorder, eighteen-year-old Ellis moves with their mother to the small town of Black Stone, seeking a simpler life and some space to recover. But Black Stone feels off; it's a disquieting place surrounded by towns with some of the highest death rates in the country. It doesn't help that everyone says Ellis's new house is haunted—everyone including Quinn, a local girl who has quickly captured Ellis's attention.

    Ellis has started to believe what people are saying. They see pulsing veins in their bedroom walls and specters in dark corners of the cellar. Together, Ellis and Quinn dig deep into Black Stone's past and soon discover that their town, and Ellis's house in particular, is the battleground in a decades-long spectral war, one that will claim their family—and the town—if it's allowed to continue.

    Withered is queer psychological horror, a compelling tale of heartache, loss, and revenge that tackles important issues of mental health in the way that only horror can: by delving deep into them, cracking them open, and exposing their gruesome entrails.

    ©2024 A.G.A. Wilmot (P)2024 Podium Audio

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